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Services offer to farmers By Department Of Agricultural Extension
1. Ensuring extension services for all classes of farmers

2. Introduce modern agricultural technologies to the farmers to increase crop production.

3. Ensure distribution of fertilizers and seeds among the farmers.

4. Visiting the field as per the visit schedule, identifying the problems of the farmers and giving solutions.

5. To increase soil health and productivity through balanced use of organic and chemical fertilizers

6. Advise on crop pest control
7. To set up exhibitions and organize field days for the expansion of new crops, new varieties and new technologies in the farmer's field.

8. Provide training to farmers on various agricultural technologies.

9. To create awareness among the farmers through various extension methods.

10. Ensure distribution of agricultural inputs for government incentives / rehabilitation among small and marginal farmers.

11. To assist farmers in producing and storing crop quality seeds.
12. To assist farmers in safe food production through the use of organic fertilizers and organic pesticides.

13. Assist in establishing link between buyers and farmers in marketing of agricultural products.

14. Assist in crop diversification and crop rotation.

15. To help reduce the cost of agricultural production through the use of agricultural machinery in government subsidies.

16. To increase the production of inadequate food grains (pulses, oil, spices) produced in the country

17. To assist farmers in availing agricultural loans provided by banks.
18. To assist farmers in availing agricultural loans provided by banks.

19. Creating a database of farmers for decision making at the national level.

20 Provide digital services to farmers through mobile or telephone.

21. Training of farmers through leaflets, booklets, field days and field inspections.
22. To assist farmers in producing high value crops.

23. To assist farmers in the production of commercial fruits and vegetables.

24. To assist in the development of socio-economic condition of the farmer through maximum utilization of his own resources.

25. Assist in environmentally friendly agricultural production using IPM, ICM and other methods.

26. Licensing of import and marketing of agricultural inputs (fertilizers, seeds, pesticides and seedlings).
27. Prevent sale of adulterated materials by inspecting pesticide, fertilizer and seed dealer shops.

28. Integrate agricultural production with government and non-government organizations.